Denaye Barahona

Why I Got Rid of The Toys

This Spring I shared with the world why I got rid of my wardrobe. But long before I tackled my closet, I decided to get rid of the toys. I vowed there would be no more stepping on Legos in the middle of the night and tripping over blocks. Too many toys are a safety hazard …

How to end food throwing at meal time: a 3 step plan

How to get kids to stop throwing food and playing at mealtime.

We all know that accidents happen. However, food throwing and playing at mealtime doesn’t need to happen. When an 8-month-old starts feeding crackers to the dog and finger painting all over the table with yogurt, it’s kind of cute. When a 2-year-old does it, it is just plain frustrating—maybe borderline annoying. At what point does a …

Why I Got Rid of My Wardrobe and Started a Wardrobe Capsule

This spring I got rid of my entire wardrobe and traded it for a capsule wardrobe. I did it because I have been wearing yoga pants as clothes for far longer than I like to admit–even before I had a baby. On a daily basis I actually have a delusion that I am going to …

My Simple Birth Story + a Confession

I have to confess, I enjoyed labor and delivery with my first baby. Until now I haven’t really talked about my first birth story. This is because it went so smoothly that it was seemingly not feasible for real, common-folk (myself included). My birth story seemed so different than many of the ones I had heard leading up to his …