Denaye Barahona

going gluten free for infertility

Going Gluten-Free for Infertility: Our Story

A lot of people roll their eyes when I tell them I am gluten-free, assuming I have jumped on some sort of trendy bandwagon. I promise you, being gluten-free was no bandwagon I ever wanted to be aboard. But neither was infertility. I often get asked why I am gluten-free. I respond with a true, …


Get Kids to Eat Better with One Simple Tip

We all want to get kids to eat better foods. I am not trying to brag, but my toddler eats 90% of all foods. Notice I said he “eats” 90% of all foods. I didn’t say he loves 90% of all foods. There is a difference. As parents, we get really caught up in talking …

Getting Started with Backyard Chickens + Our Upcycled Chicken Coop

I am not going to lie, I think chickens are kind of gross. But after touring some outdoor classrooms in elementary schools, I was hooked on the idea of buying backyard chickens to create “unplugged, hands on” education in our own backyard. As with most of my ideas, the conversation with my husband, Mr. B., went something like …

Why my toddler doesn't drink milk.

Why our Toddler Doesn’t Drink Milk

My 19 month old son doesn’t drink milk. I promise it is not my lack of effort or a willfull act of neglect. Weaning off breastmilk and on to a different milk after he turned 1 was something I very clearly overanalyzed. When I took my son in for his 9-month check-up with his pediatrician, in …

Why I Choose to ‘Lean In’ to Motherhood

This November will mark my second annual performance review. Despite the fact that I plan to shower the boss with gifts and cake—inevitably the outcome will involve some combination of screaming, general unpleasantries, and loving bouts of affection. Thus is the life when you enter your career as a Mother. Motherhood is not a job, …

Are you Feeding Your Kids too Many Healthy Snacks.

Is it possible? You might be feeding your kids too many healthy snacks. Snacks in America have become the big kids pacifier. Every year for lent I give up the same thing. Snacking. I have never come close to making it the whole 40 days. Although I can’t quite seem to give it up, I …