
What is a good first bike?

SFP 58: What is a good first bike?

Today we are discussing options for first bikes. I explain my personal favorites and a little about my distaste for powerwheels. LINKS: Amish Bike (Valley Road Wood Works) Wishbone 3 in 1 Bike (affiliate) Ybike (for babies-affiliate)

How do you handle a child changing the subject?

SFP 57: How do you handle a child changing the subject?

When you ask your kid to do something and they have their own agenda…it can be so frustrating. Today we are discussing how to move things along when a little one is filibustering the day. LINKS: More about my big move The Cooperation Mini-Course

moving with kids

SFP 56: What are your tips on moving with kids?

Moving with kids is hard–we are currently in the midst of it in my family. In today’s episode I am sharing tips for moving with young children.

Why my toddler doesn't drink milk.

SFP 55: Do your kids drink milk?

In today’s episode we are talking about whether I give my children milk. I also discuss the transition from formula/breastmilk to cow’s milk after the first year of life. Show Notes/Links: How I Feed My Kids How I Feed My Kids (Your Questions Answered) Why My Toddler Doesn’t Drink Milk (original article)

getting started with toy minimalism

SFP 54: How do I handle unwanted gifts?

Gifts serve so many purposes. They excite the gift giver and receiver. They can make the gift giver feel like they are leaving a part of them when they aren’t present. But it’s deeply ingrained in our culture. In today’s episode we discuss how to handle receiving unwanted gifts.

100 days of outdoor play

SFP 53: How should I handle sibling disputes?

The sibling relationship sets the stage for many relationships to come. We need to let our children use this dynamic to practice handling conflict. It will be anything but graceful in the early years, but this conflict serves a deeper purpose.