Never underestimate the power of good tea in a good mug. When I pull out a mug with a self-affirming message in the mornings, it always brings a little smile to my face.
I don’t know about you, but the mornings in our house don’t always start off with smiles. There are mornings when my mug is my sole source of positivity.
But even when my kid is screaming “no oatmeal”. My mug is screaming, “life is good.”
If Marie Kondo came to my house I would give her a resounding “yes,” my mugs spark joy.
I am a huge fan of using affirmations to improve mood, confidence, and rewire the brain. I have found that my mug is a perfect spot to plant an encouraging affirmation to start the day.
I love a good mug with a positive message. But I also love good tea inside of that mug. In recent months I have (nearly) given up caffeine and alcohol, therefore tea has been my saving grace. I am going to share my four personal favorites and then my 3-year-old’s favorite (that he loves to drink in an earth-friendly BittyMug).
Let’s start with the best of the best. This is my favorite tea of all time. My body craves turmeric–probably for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Of all the turmeric teas I have sampled, this one steals the show. I can’t get enough of it.
I love floral drinks. Anything with lavender, rose, jasmine–that’s my jam. I would classify Paromi as a luxury tea (is there such a thing?). It smells and tastes extravagant. I love it. This is the best way to go to bed at night. (Side note: this tea would also make a great gift)
My friend Megan from the The Lyon’s Share Wellness introduced me to Holy Basil. She is the queen of all things healthy, so when she recommends something I just nod, smile, and partake. Per usual, she was on point with this suggestion. Holy Basil is excellent for anxiety and to “take the edge off”–which makes it a good fill-in for those nights I find myself glancing at the wine cabinet.
The benefits of Rooibos are too many to list here. But I will name good hair, improved digestion, and healthy bones among them. You can find rooibos in a variety of flavors, but the herb itself is from a red bush native to Africa.
This is a favorite of the 3-year-old. It’s fun and fruity and he likes to help pour the hot water. Waiting for tea to cool is certainly a lesson in patience (or you can throw in a few ice cubes and call it a day).
Do you have any favorite teas or affirming mugs that I should try?